Gainsborough Group is a Marketing Consultancy that connects the dots across your company’s business strategy, target audiences, and employees to deliver revenue growth, efficiency, and a brand your customers care about.

About Me
Throughout my career, I’ve helped launch, grow and turn around businesses from Disney’s newest travel and resorts brands to VC backed start-ups in healthcare and entertainment.

After two decades in commercial and marketing strategy, building brands including Disney, National Geographic, and Seabourn Cruises, I launched Gainsborough Group, a marketing consultancy.

I’m a connector… of ideas, data, functions, people…. dots. When you do this well, 1+1 will = 10. My superpower is connecting and amplifying the needs and goals of both the customer and the business to drive meaningful growth. I shoot straight and don't believe in marketing jargon.

I'm also a proud mom of 3 girls, an MBA from The Anderson School @ UCLA, a Leadership Board member for A Place Called Home, and an avid explorer of Griffith Park.
Brand & Client Experience
About Gainsborough Group

We work with CEOs, CCOs, CROs, and occasionally other CMOs on marketing strategy and plan development, culture revitalization, channel optimization, messaging, and brand launches/repositioning.

Gainsborough Group is Lilly Yeatman (me) + the talented and experienced colleagues I have been fortunate to know and work with over the years. I lead and execute every project and when needed, bring in graphic designers, web developers, digital strategists, and other trusted functional experts to deliver specialized needs.

I believe that success in business, life, and all things in between takes a village. The name Gainsborough Group comes from the street where my village begins.

The biggest marketing challenges are almost always about a disconnect.

What keeps you up at night?

Is your marketing strategy connected to your business strategy?

Are your messaging, tactics, and channels connected to what your audience cares about?

Is your marketing team connected to your sales team?

Is your creative or PR agency connected to business objectives?

Is your senior leadership connected to your customers?

What We Do
We only work with businesses we believe in and we don't take on work we aren't experts in. If you don't know exactly what you need, we will diagnose the work and tell you. If the project isn't the right fit, we'll connect you with someone great who can get it done.
  • Marketing Strategy and Planning
    Without strategy and planning, marketing becomes an expensive list of tactics. Your business will have a bunch of boards nailed well to a wall but you won't have a house.

    We develop the blueprint to build the house including consumer insight, marketing plan development, full funnel tactical planning, measurement, etc...
  • Fractional CMO | Interim Marketing Leader
    Fractional C-hiring is flexible for both parties, cost effective, and brings new expertise, fresh thinking, and innovation from other industries.

    I become an outsourced (part-time or short-term) marketing hire who acts as a member of your leadership team. I work with companies who don’t yet need a full time CMO or companies who need a backfill for executive medical leaves.

  • Brand Development & Revitalization
    Building a brand is not just about a logo and a tagline. It is your employees, your customers, your content, your product. Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room and it requires the utmost care in building right.

    We marry consumer insight and data with creative to develop or revitalize a brand everyone on your team is proud of and that your customers believe "gets them."
  • Channel Optimization
    All marketing should perform - the important questions is: What are you trying to accomplish

    For existing businesses, we do an assessment of your marketing investment with focus on the full funnel. Performance marketing and programmatic may be part of this mix but they can not work alone.

    We look at earned, owned, and paid media together to drive the most meaningful outcomes from top of funnel awareness through conversion, followed by advocacy and referral.

  • Culture Building or Revamp
    Company culture has never been more important to business success. A strong culture creates a shared sense of purpose, fosters innovation and creativity, and helps attract and retain top talent. It is also highly correlated with long term revenue growth.

    We help your company turn your mission, vision and brand into one that emanates from the inside out.
  • Creative/Brand Agency Tune-Up
    Agencies are filled with talented people, yet so many clients are unhappy with their performance. I've hired and managed dozens of agencies and in 60 days I can help you decide whether better inputs can net better outcomes or if it's time to find a new creative team.


Los Angeles
To deliver game-changing marketing strategy, you have to understand people. Consumers are people. Employees are people. Businesses are run by people. People have to be at the center of everything you do.
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